Electric Vehicle Strategy Public Consultation

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Consultation has concluded

The council has drafted an electric vehicle charging strategy for a public charging network covering council owned car parks and on-street residential parking. This approach is justified because the council have limited control and influence over a private charging network (e.g. workplace chargers), which will be primarily delivered through the private sector and regional partnerships. Therefore, the recommended approach enables the council to focus initially on the public charging network, where the council can maximise its positive impact. The Electric Vehicle Strategy proposes what method and funding the council could use to deploy Fast and Rapid Chargers across on-street residential parking, town centre car parks and destination car parks.

The electric vehicle charging strategy will support the commitment Three Rivers District Council has made to achieving net zero emissions by 2030 for our own emissions and to inspire and enable a net zero district by 2045. Greenhouse gas emissions arising from road transport including motorways in Three Rivers accounts for 228,000 tCO2e which represents 52% of total district emissions.

We would like to hear your views on the proposed Electric Vehicle Strategy. You can view the strategy under the documents section on the right hand side before completing the survey below. This consultation will close on 4 October 2024.

The council has drafted an electric vehicle charging strategy for a public charging network covering council owned car parks and on-street residential parking. This approach is justified because the council have limited control and influence over a private charging network (e.g. workplace chargers), which will be primarily delivered through the private sector and regional partnerships. Therefore, the recommended approach enables the council to focus initially on the public charging network, where the council can maximise its positive impact. The Electric Vehicle Strategy proposes what method and funding the council could use to deploy Fast and Rapid Chargers across on-street residential parking, town centre car parks and destination car parks.

The electric vehicle charging strategy will support the commitment Three Rivers District Council has made to achieving net zero emissions by 2030 for our own emissions and to inspire and enable a net zero district by 2045. Greenhouse gas emissions arising from road transport including motorways in Three Rivers accounts for 228,000 tCO2e which represents 52% of total district emissions.

We would like to hear your views on the proposed Electric Vehicle Strategy. You can view the strategy under the documents section on the right hand side before completing the survey below. This consultation will close on 4 October 2024.