Planning validation checklist consultation

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Consultation has concluded


The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out that local planning authorities must publish a local validation list for planning applications and review it frequently. The National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) states that a local validation list should be reviewed at least every 2 years.

We have just updated our validation list (June 2024) and are carrying out a consultation on this. The main proposed changes to the Validation Checklist are:

  • Updated references to NPPF throughout;
  • Updated in relation to monitoring fees for Section 106 Agreements; and
  • Added reference to Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) requirements.


You can view the proposed changes in the document on the right hand side. Any proposed additions to the validation checklist have been highlighted in yellow and any proposed omissions have been struck through.

Please have your say on the proposed changes by completing the below survey.


Please view the Validation Checklist Outcome Report on the documents tab on the right hand side. Upon reviewing the consultation responses the proposed changes are necessary to bring the checklist up to date and therefore the updated validation checklist will be adopted with effect from Thursday 1st August 2024, superseding the previous version at this time.


The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out that local planning authorities must publish a local validation list for planning applications and review it frequently. The National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) states that a local validation list should be reviewed at least every 2 years.

We have just updated our validation list (June 2024) and are carrying out a consultation on this. The main proposed changes to the Validation Checklist are:

  • Updated references to NPPF throughout;
  • Updated in relation to monitoring fees for Section 106 Agreements; and
  • Added reference to Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) requirements.


You can view the proposed changes in the document on the right hand side. Any proposed additions to the validation checklist have been highlighted in yellow and any proposed omissions have been struck through.

Please have your say on the proposed changes by completing the below survey.


Please view the Validation Checklist Outcome Report on the documents tab on the right hand side. Upon reviewing the consultation responses the proposed changes are necessary to bring the checklist up to date and therefore the updated validation checklist will be adopted with effect from Thursday 1st August 2024, superseding the previous version at this time.