Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2023 - 28 consultation

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Consultation has concluded

Range of houses, close up of a magnifying glass looking at one of the houses

Our draft Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2023-28 sets out how, over the coming five years, we will work with our partners to prevent homelessness and support those who face or are at risk of becoming homeless.

This new strategy is intended to further the council’s existing approach to preventing homelessness and to focus our efforts on identifying new ways to respond to the challenges we are likely to face over the coming five years.

Our approach is focused on three key objectives that will help us to achieve our goals:

  • Continue to Prevent and Relieve Homelessness
  • Support our Most Vulnerable Customers into Permanent, Suitable, and Sustainable Accommodation
  • Improve the Standard of Housing across the District

To achieve each of these objectives, we have a number of actions outlined in our Action Plan.

What we are seeking your views on

We are keen to allow everyone who lives in Three Rivers to have their say. We value your knowledge as residents, tenants, partners, and staff, who know better than anyone how important it is that nobody has to experience the trauma of homelessness. Listening to the views and concerns of residents and communities is an important part of the development of our new strategy. The consultation is an opportunity for you to give your views on preventing homelessness in the district. We are seeking your views on:

  • Our proposed vision and the key objectives that will help us to achieve this
  • Whether you think the draft Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy addresses the most important housing issues we face in Three Rivers

How to have your say

Please take the time to read the draft strategy and action plan in the documents tab on the right-hand side before completing the survey below.

This consultation closed on Monday 1 January 2024.

Our draft Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2023-28 sets out how, over the coming five years, we will work with our partners to prevent homelessness and support those who face or are at risk of becoming homeless.

This new strategy is intended to further the council’s existing approach to preventing homelessness and to focus our efforts on identifying new ways to respond to the challenges we are likely to face over the coming five years.

Our approach is focused on three key objectives that will help us to achieve our goals:

  • Continue to Prevent and Relieve Homelessness
  • Support our Most Vulnerable Customers into Permanent, Suitable, and Sustainable Accommodation
  • Improve the Standard of Housing across the District

To achieve each of these objectives, we have a number of actions outlined in our Action Plan.

What we are seeking your views on

We are keen to allow everyone who lives in Three Rivers to have their say. We value your knowledge as residents, tenants, partners, and staff, who know better than anyone how important it is that nobody has to experience the trauma of homelessness. Listening to the views and concerns of residents and communities is an important part of the development of our new strategy. The consultation is an opportunity for you to give your views on preventing homelessness in the district. We are seeking your views on:

  • Our proposed vision and the key objectives that will help us to achieve this
  • Whether you think the draft Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy addresses the most important housing issues we face in Three Rivers

How to have your say

Please take the time to read the draft strategy and action plan in the documents tab on the right-hand side before completing the survey below.

This consultation closed on Monday 1 January 2024.